Indonesia : Ceragem’s Scholarship Endowment Project, 3 Graduates from the Korean Language department 2007.10.31

At last, the Indonesia Corporation is set to reap the fruits of the scholarship program it has been operating since last year. Three students from the department of Korean languages at Universitas Nasional (expected to complete their thesis and receive degrees in Nov.) will join Ceragem and begin official work after completing a 1-3 month training program. The Indonesia Corporation has actively been making an effort to attract talented minds and has focused on endowing scholarships for schools that have Korean language departments beginning last year. 

The numbers of centers in Indonesia have increased, and thus, have created more demand for communications specialists that are able to serve as a path between the company and local markets. The Korean language departments at universities have been teaching students about Korean culture as well as Korean language and the corporation has been trying to make itself more familiar to students through frequent visits and contacts. Local Korean majors—with a competent understanding of Korean culture—are expected to have a considerable impact on the quality of translation work in Indonesia as well as the overall quality of education on Ceragem.
2007 Hosting a Global Seminar (Asia & Africa) Planned to be held in Jakarta   2007.10.31  
India : Creating Love for Ceragem in India –the place where different lives come together   2007.10.31